AI on HR – Episode 6: “What is HelloTeam?”

ChatGPT knows everything, but does it know what HelloTeam does? Let’s see what happens when we ask the AI, “What is HelloTeam?”!
AI on HR – Episode 5: The Employee That Makes Inappropriate Jokes

It’s one of the things Human Resources is known for – dealing with the employee that makes inappropriate, borderline harassing, jokes. But how would ChatGPT handle it?
AI on HR – Episode 4: How often should a manager hold one-on-ones?

This time around we ask ChatGPT how often managers should sit down with their team members for one-on-one meetings. Does it know how important frequent check-ins are, or does this AI think the old fashioned way?
AI on HR – Episode Three: How Much Vacation Time Should Workers Get?

Welcome to Episode Three of AI on HR! Today we asked ChatGPT to weigh in on paid time off and how much is enough, in its professional opinion. Do you agree with the bot?
AI on HR – Episode Two: The Right Way to Let a Worker Go

AI on HR Episode 2 has arrived! Thanks to a commented suggestion from Dennis Madigan we asked ChatGPT about the right way to let an employee go. Just look at this answer – we could probably hire this AI as a writer! (We won’t, though – our humans are even more intelligent.)
How High Fives Are Proven To Boost Productivity

High fives aren’t just a fun way to boost morale, but thanks to a UCal Berkeley study on basketball players, we know they’re also proven to measurably increase efficiency. A great culture is vital to business success – check out how important high fives can be to that culture.
CFO Chris Caprio – How can HR make a case for a larger tech budget?

We sat down with Chris Caprio, CFO of Focus Technology, to discuss the financial aspects of human resources and what it means for hybrid and remote teams.
CFO Chris Caprio – How do you view the impact of work culture?

We sat down with Chris Caprio, CFO of Focus Technology, to discuss the financial aspects of human resources and what it means for hybrid and remote teams.
Focus CFO Chris Caprio – What’s top of mind for HR in 2022?

We sat down with Chris Caprio, CFO of Focus Technology, to discuss the financial aspects of human resources and what it means for hybrid and remote teams.
HelloTeam Overview – Social Workplace Community

HelloTeam enables you to turn your workplace into a social community for everyone online – see how!