How to Master Performance Management in your Hybrid Workplace

Whether they knew it or not, all managers made a critical decision with their HR departments in mid-2020. Do we commit to a holistic performance management strategy for our newly remote staff, or do we improvise and take it day-to-day until the COVID pandemic disappears? Well, hindsight is 20/20 (no pun intended) and the right […]
6 Ways to Improve Your Employee Communication Strategy

We live our lives in front of our screens. The swift transition to remote working environments has caused many employees to spend even more time on screen. It is no wonder then that companies today experience unique challenges when it comes to employee communication. How do we prevent oversaturation with the constant bombardment of emails, […]
4 Ways to Dial Up Employee Engagement Within Your Remote Workforce

In the modern age of remote work, we’ve begun to head towards a future of hybrid models of in-person and remote work dominating the workforce. As the office environment evolves, leaders must generate new ways to make their employees feel valued and motivated. When an employee is engaged and inspired, they are 125% more productive […]